Yesterday the VESTING Board ’20-’21 was announced. If you are interested in learning a bit more about them, read their personal introductions in this article.
Hey VESTING Members! My name is Mick van Ottele and I will be the chairman of the VESTING Board of 2020-2021. I’m 21 years old and I’m a fourth-year EOR student. Apart from studying I always like to play hockey at HCQZ in Nijmegen, my hometown, and since this academic year, I decided to play some tennis again. Another hobby is playing card games, besides the standard games like “toepen” and “klaverjassen”, I also like to try new games, however, in most cases, this is not really a success. At VESTING I have been in the Activity Committee in my first year and in the Career Experience Committee last year. I’m looking forward to a great time as (candidate) chairman of VESTING!
Hi everyone! My name is Ewoud and I will be the Treasurer of the VESTING Board 2020-2021. For those of you who don’t know me yet, I will shortly introduce myself. Currently, I’m 20 years old and am a third-year econometrics student. After doing some committees at VESTING such as the International Programme Committee, by which we will be traveling to Seoul upcoming April, I decided to apply for a board year. Besides this, I am a member of the sailing association Mayday and I really like to sport. You can regularly find me taking a spinning class or diving into the pool. A perfect way to relax from time to time, although the spinning classes can be very intense… I hope to see you all coming by at the VK!

Dear VESTING Members, my name is Deirdre Westenbrink and I am excited to announce that I will be the secretary of the VESTING Board 2021-2021. For those of you who don’t know me, let me introduce myself. I am nineteen years old and a second-year econometrics student. Last year I joined the sports association Gyas. Unfortunately, rowing turned out not to be my kind of sport, so I interchanged rowing for tennis at Veracket. Besides that, I have been active in multiple committees. In my first year, I joined the Activity Committee and the Introduction Weekend Committee and this year I joined the Magazin Committee. I am really looking forward to becoming a member of the new VESTING Board ‘20-’21 and I hope to see you soon at the VK!
Internal Affairs
Dear VESTING Members! My name is Sabina Kamerling and I am very excited to become the Internal Affairs Coordinator of the VESTING Board 2020-2021. For those of you who don’t know me yet, I will tell you a bit more about me. I am 21 years old and currently in my third year. Besides now being a candidate board member, I am also a member of the Lustrum Committee and the Multimedia Committee together with Ettina. Besides these committees, I’ve also worked on several projects with the Data Analytics Team and help out our first-year students by being a TA for several subjects. In my free time, I like reading and drawing and I also enjoy a wide variety of sports. I always get really hangry, so a quick way to make me happy is by giving me some food; chocolate is best! I’m really looking forward to being a member of the new VESTING Board and can’t wait for this amazing year!
External Affairs
Dear Vesting members, I am Merwin Smit and I will be the external affairs coordinator for the upcoming year. For those of you who do not know me yet, I would like to introduce myself. I am a 19 years old second-year econometrics student. Within Vesting I was part of the committee that organized the fabulous Sailing weekend 2019! Next to studying and my activities at Vesting I am a member of GCHC. Besides playing field hockey at GCHC I organize the party’s (Libo’s), which each one of you is welcome to join. Lastly, when I am not occupied with these activities I like to go out for drinks with some friends or have a relaxing day at home watching a good TV show or movie. I very much look forward to the upcoming board year which I am sure of will be a great year!
Public Relations Coordinator
Hi! I’m Ettina Beiboer and I’m very excited to be the Public Relations Coordinator of the new VESTING Board! For those of you who do not know me yet, I would like to briefly introduce myself. I am 20 years old and currently in my third year of EOR. I really enjoy photography and that is why I decided to join the Multimedia Committee in my first year. I’m still enjoying this very much! In my second year, I got the chance to express my creativity even more as the marketing officer of the Career Experience Committee. Besides my activities at VESTING, I’m also a member of the Multimedia Committee of G.S.B.C. AMOR, which is the student badminton club in Groningen where I play every Tuesday! Furthermore, I like to sail, swim and surf. I am very excited to be the first Public Relations Coordinator of VESTING and I can’t wait to enjoy this amazing year with everyone!
We are very happy with our new candidate board and we are sure VESTING will be in safe hands the upcoming year.